Consulting is a Team Effort
By: Gidon R. Vardi, Ph.D
In the world of consulting we often refer to others for help and advice. For that reason, it is our opinion that knowing where to turn for assistance is as important as any other aspect of topic research.
Within the world of job site safety, it is our responsibility to properly investigate and report our findings. The investigation may include accident reconstruction, safety code research, and court testimony.
But there are two specific aspects of OSHA that we are not involved in and therefore turn to others for assistance.
First, IIPP (injury and illness prevention program) as required by OSHA. The preparation of these manuals is best done by professionals who customize the programs to the individual company needs.
Second, in the aftermath of an OSHA citation, every defendant is allowed to appeal those citations. Whereas we will investigate the OSHA allegations the actual appeal process we refer our clients to the professionals.
Below are helpful links for assistance in obtaining an OSHA IIPP and information regarding OSHA appeals. For injury and safety investigations we are here to assist.
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